If you want to build the business, build the people.

our approach

Find your HEROES today. We help companies that grow.
Select your best heroes using Our services.

We exist to support start ups and small sized companies in sourcing, recruiting, selecting new talents and growing existing talents in your company. We use IT and HR expertise (human touch, business reasoning  and technology).

Strategic Talent Management

Strategic Talent management is a crucial part of every company annual business process planning. You can do it in utilizing our consulting services.

Talent Acquisition

We provide Talent Acquisition services through Sourcing, Application management, Assessment (DISC-PPA), Recruitment and selection. Highly experienced in FMCG, Pharma and IT industry .

Project Management Training

We provide virtual Project management training and Project management consultancy services with our Senior Management consultant.

Employee Assessment

We provide the Employees assessment services organizing psychometric testing and competency based interviews. Based on that we provide the client with reporting and propose next steps within the action plan.

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Our Team

Meet our team

Our team has experience in people management and human resources management processes. Choose us as your partner and you will gain our expertise, dedication and creativity.

Murat Ozbilen

PMP, Senior Partner in Global Business Management Consultant

HR Heroes